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What We Have Been Up To – Year 3

In Maths, Year 3 pupils are learning to interpret and present data using bar charts and tables. We went on a wildlife hunt around school to gather data about the wildlife we found. We spotted lots of wildlife including sparrows, woodlice and worms! In Year 3 Art, we...

World Book Day 2023

Today, we celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as our favourite book characters. We enjoyed sharing out books with our buddy classes. We also created Potato Book Characters. The standard this year was phenomenal. Well done to everyone who took part!!

Our School Value Winners of 2022

A big congratulations to our termly 4R School Value winners (Respect, Responsibility, Reflection & Resilience).All of the children should be proud of their achievements so far this year!  I am sure you are all on a 'Good' list!Have a fantastic Christmas everyone and we look forwards to seeing you in...