Class Information
Year 4 Class Teacher: Mrs Cramer and Mrs Hinde
Year 4 Class Teaching Assistant: Miss Penfold

Welcome to Ash Class (Year 4)
We are all looking forward to working closely with you and helping you along your journey through Horton Kirby.
Within your end-of-year school report pack, you will have received this term’s topic web showing you all of the wonderful activities and learning we will be completing this term, including our trip to Heathside! This term, our topic is ‘Mighty Metals’ where we will have a big focus on Science, particularly, forces! As well as this, there will be topic homework sent out supporting our learning for this term, please have a look and give them a go so that we can discuss and display your fabulous home learning in class.
All we ask is that you try your best and find learning fun!
Lastly, we ensure to follow the national curriculum for the primary curriculum in England for programmes of study and attainment targets for KS2.
We look forward to welcoming you into Ash Class!
Timetable/Parent Letter
Our timetable can be downloaded below. Here, parents and pupils have the opportunity to view the class schedule to see the day-to-day routine including the range of curriculum that is covered. We have found that children with SEND have responded well to visually seeing the structure of the day ahead.
Terms/Topic Information
Our learning this year will be based on the topics below and will change accordingly each term. Parents will receive a Topic Web and ‘Did You Know’ at the start of each term informing them about what the children will be learning. This will also be available below to download.
At Horton Kirby Church of England Primary School, we have introduced ‘100 Things Before I Leave Horton Kirby Primary, this helps to give children the opportunity to tick off big items throughout their primary years. The experiences and activities KS1 get to complete include:
#7 Learn to swim
#16 Build a shelter
#19 Try new foods
#28 Take part in drama performances
#29 Recognise and celebrate religious festivals
#30 Chinese New Year Dance Workshop
#31 Black History Month
#34 Attend a book fair
#35 Meet a real-life author
#43 Attend a summer fete
#47 Take part in Sports Day activities
#53 Make a video
#58 Go to the park (Heathside)
#61 Collect conkers
#76 Enjoy a meal with Mum/Dad/Carers for Mother’s Day/Father’s Day
#84 Learn another language
#100 Become a historical figure – Viking, Stone Age, Tudor, etc.
More Infomation about the subjects can be found on our curriculum pages.
Term | Medium Term Plan |
1 | Term 1 MTP |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 |
Home Learning
Children should choose one reading book within their accelerated reader ZPD band that they will be reading at home. This book can be one from school or one that they have at home and would like to read. Reading books should come home on a daily basis.
Please ensure that you date and sign the reading diary with the page that they have read up to each time that they have read. As a school, we are trying to improve parental engagement with reading, we would encourage you to hear your child read aloud a minimum of three times a week. Asking questions about the text and discussing vocabulary is very useful as is encouraging your child to record new vocabulary with the meaning so that they can use this within their own writing where possible.
Once your child has finished a reading book they should take an ‘accelerated reader’ quiz about the book they have just read. If your child scores 100% on the quiz their name will go onto the 100% board and they will have the chance of winning a prize at the end of the term.
All children should be aiming to read as many books as possible.
- Spellings: spellings will be set each week on ‘Spelling Shed’. Children should log in using their given user name and password (these are stuck in their reading diaries) and practise their spellings at least 5 times each week. If children have not completed their 5 by Friday they will be expected to catch up during their break time. They will be quizzed on a selection of spellings alongside a dictation every Friday.
- Maths Homework: Maths homework folders will be sent home. Children are expected to complete this weekly. They are labelled and answers are supplied so they can be marked at home. Folders need to be returned termly for teachers to monitor.
- Times Tables Rockstars: All year four children should complete a minimum of 5 studio games on TTRS each week. The children’s usernames and passwords are stuck in their reading diaries. If children have not completed their 5 by Friday they will be expected to catch up during their break time. Expectation is for children to know all their tables by the end of Year 4 so regular practise is key.
- Comprehension homework – Comprehension homework folders will be sent home. Children are expected to complete this weekly. They are labelled and answers are supplied so they can be marked at home. Folders need to be returned termly for teachers to monitor.
- Children do not need to bring pencil cases into school – all equipment that the children need will be provided in school. That said, if your child would like to bring in their own black, handwriting pen (NO BIROS) they are very welcome to do so if they have a pen licence! If children do bring pencil cases into school they will only be allowed them in class if they fit in their trays.
- PE / Games lessons will take place for Ash class on Wednesday afternoons. Please make sure the PE kit they wear to school includes tracksuit bottoms and a sweatshirt- both plain and no logos.
*If your child is unable to participate, please write a note for that day or send a message via SeeSaw. If there is a long-term reason, a doctor’s note would be useful.
Please may we ask that the children have their hair tied back and that they are able to take their earrings out.
- All children should try to make sure that they bring a water bottle in with them each day. Healthy snacks for break time also really help with concentration and learning.
- Ideally, children should not be bringing a school bag into school each day All they need to be bringing in each day is their water bottle, reading book and packed lunch if required.
If you have any questions or need to inform us of anything you can do so by sending a message via SeeSaw – we will be available to reply between 8am – 6pm Monday – Friday. Alternatively, feel free speak to us on the playground after school if needed.
We hope that you have found these notes helpful but please do not hesitate to speak to us should you have any questions or concerns. Before school is always an extremely busy time and we would therefore appreciate questions being raised after school or via SeeSaw where possible.
Useful Parent Resources in Year 4
For further useful resources, please visit each curriculum page.